RESOLUTE Group was started in May 2018 and is based in Melbourne, Victoria, and wholly owned by Ben Manning and Campbell Strong.

about us resolute painting and projects
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After working in public and private property services companies along with time in the finance industry (Campbell), Ben and Campbell started RESOLUTE Group with a vision to operate a group of service based businesses specialising in maintenance and property service solutions. 

RESOLUTE Painting & Projects is the first of these businesses and provides commercial painting solutions to a wide range of customers from a variety of industry sectors. 

The RESOLUTE Group business model is based on ‘skin in the game’ and aims to establish new business units by offering opportunities to employees to ‘own’ the business they are working for. 

If you would like to know more about our plans for RESOLUTE Group or wish to express interest, please contact us



  • Firm in purpose and belief; steadfast
  • Characterised by resolution; determined.

about us resolute painting and projects
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If you would like to know more about RESOLUTE Group or to receive a quote for your home or business, please contact us.

Memberships & Associations
